Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy 13th Birthday Andrew

Andrew David Cerveny is my youngest brother
who was stillborn on December 23rd 1995.
Sometime it's hard to believe that it has been 13 years since Andrew was born. 13 years since we held him for the first and last time. Some memories are as clear as day others a little fuzzy. Being 16 at the time a was very scared to hold him. And while I was holding him I could of sworn that I felt him move which really freaked me out. We didn't get to spend time with him on this earth but we knew him while Mom was
pregnant he was very active and we would watch him move alot.
We don't know what his personalty would have been like, but i have been thinking about it i think he would have been alot like Benjamin. I'm not sure why but i think that is the way he might have been. And he was so a cutie too.

Who would have thought that 13 years later I would be experience the same pain of losing a child with my Mom and Dad. You want to be able to share things with your parents but not this.
One thing is for sure, Andrew and Maggie will always be a part of our lives forever.
Happy Birthday Andrew!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The post with alot of pics

First off we got a pet. It's a parakeet named Joey.
Here is Pene in the bird cage.
Here is Joey.
What happens when you let Dads play with daughters.
Yes those are panties on her head.
This is how Pene likes to have her picture taken right now. Pretty right?

Sydney got her first library card yesterday. She was excited.
Now she can "pay" for her books.
Here is Syd with her new card
Here is Pene sad that she doesn't have a card to get a picture taken with.
We decorated our Christmas tree the other night. It has been sitting "naked" since Thanksgiving. The girls loved putting on the ornaments . At the very top we put Maggie's ornaments. First is a Precious Moments one that was given to us by David's sister Stephanie.
And this ornament was given to us by my cousin Kelly and her DH Adam. It is a Hallmark keepsake ornament for 2008 that says
"Every life leaves something beautiful behind....".
The funny thing is I had seen this ornament online one night and we had decided we were going to go to the Hallmark store and get one. But to our surprise this one showed up in the mail a couple of days later. It is a wonderful gift.
Sorry there's not much info in this post. Not much really going on.
Maybe something more next time.